“We are protecting Herman Cain,” Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said Thursday night. He said the decision was made by Homeland Security “Secretary Napolitano, at the request of the Cain campaign and in consultation with the Congressional advisory committee.”And the news has spurred a parody Twitter account. By Friday morning, @CainsSecretService
“The authority was given to the Service to protect Herman Cain [beginning] today,” Donovan said.
had appeared on Twitter. Claiming to be one of the agents on Secret Service detail for Herman Cain, the tweets trickled out earlier this morning:
You wouldn't think I'd have to tell this man that "999" is the #worstpassword he could've chosen for his email.
#ThingsYouShouldStopDoingInYour30s: Consider taking a bullet for a pizza guy on a book tour. #CainSecretService
(AP Photo/Telegraph Herald, Jeremy Portje)