Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

McCotter Mourns R.E.M. Breakup

You’ve all heard the news by now, the band R.E.M. announced they were splitting up on Wednesday.

And now Congressman Thad McCotter (R-MI), GOP presidential candidate, is bummed that he never got to see them play live. "What's Peter Buck going to do now?" McCotter told The Ticket. "That's too bad. I just downloaded all my stuff onto my iPod late last year during the lame-duck session. And it was one of the ones I found myself going back and listening to. You know, especially when they do the Velvet Underground covers." "I'm bummed, that's too bad," he said. "But all things must pass. They had a good run."

Campaign Advice Courtesy of Chris Christie

Zack Martini, an 11-year-old from Springfield, N.J., is thinking about running for his 6th grade student council and just like any good candidate for office, he's soliciting advice for the campaign trail. This week, he got some much needed advice from none other than his state’s Governor, Chris Christie. At a town hall in Union Township, Martini asked Gov. Christie for some guidance. Here’s what the Governor told him:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nice Going Mr. President

President Obama on Tuesday joined Open Government Partnership for group photo. Hmm...I don't think waving during the picture was such a great idea.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday's Readout

Jersey Shore isn't just costing me braincells's costing taxpayers from the state of New Jersey!!

Ron Paul Gets Two Endorsements!!

Congressman Ron Paul scored not one but TWO endoresements this week. Although, one of them may be unwanted:

First up...Barry Manilow!

And next...Drunk Brian?

Monday, September 5, 2011

AM Wake Up w/Carol Costello

In an attempt to beat Snooki at her own game, I went on CNN this morning to show I too can deliver the news!

Ok, not really. But here's the video from my hit with CNN's Carol Costello on "AM Wake Up."

Happy Labor Day! (I'm going back to bed).

Friday, September 2, 2011

And Now, A Word from Donald Trump

Memo from the desk Of Donald Trump, the Donald DOES NOT LIKE Dick Cheney. In a video posted Thursday, the Donald reviews former Vice President Dick Cheney’s memoir, In My Time. Trump takes issue with the VP’s recollection of the decision to go into Iraq and Cheney’s criticism of General Collin Powell. However, it sounds to me like he really just has an issue with Cheney.

Did I mention Trump gave a critique of a book he hasn’t read?

h/t Gawker

West Wing Week: Biden Edition

If you thought the photo-ops from Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Asia last week were entertaining, check out this week’s “West Wing Week” on the White House blog. The video goes behind the scenes on the Vice President’s trip through China, Mongolia and Japan. They write, “In between meeting with world leaders and speaking with locals, the Vice President took in the sights, sounds and culture of the far east.” Where else can you find video of the VP with a camel in Mongolia? (Tip: Fast-forward to the last 10 seconds of the video)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The News According to Snooki

Newscasters, including myself, are shaking in their boots after Snooki made her debut as a news anchor on Wednesday. The pint sized Jersey Shore star took her turn at the anchor’s desk for AOL's Cambio. With a jar of pickles on one side of her and a can of hairspray on the other, the Snooki weighs in on Beyonce's baby bump, the damage caused by Hurricane Irene, aliens and global warming. She’s got at least one fan out there. CNN’s Anderson Cooper called the “Rennisance Woman” a "little cutie Couric."

Jackie O Tapes to Air on ABC

Here's ABC's Trailer for the never before heard interview of the former First Lady with historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

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