Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Obama Countdown App

Counting down the time until President Obama leaves office? There’s an app for that!

The Daily Caller’s writing about an “Obama Clock” app that displays polling data on the President’s popularity along with the U.S. unemployment rate, the gasoline price index, housing values, the national debt — and the amount of time remaining until the next presidential inauguration. The app costs 99 cents and was launched on August 4th. Jeremy Ross, the apps creator, said he’s charging 99 cents for the app in order to prevent its ratings from being downgraded by people who dislike it for political reasons.
Not to make light of a very serious issue, but this is the second drunk driving story of the week...

Congressman Joe Barton's son, Bradley, was arrested late last week and charged with driving while under the influence, according to a local Texas television report. In the Know writes, “Barton's office refused to comment on the arrest of the congressman’s son, telling The Hill in a statement it was a “family matter.” Police in Texas say Bradley Barton had a child under the age of 15 with him in the vehicle when he was pulled over while driving in a school zone on Thursday.Dallas-Fort Worth's WFAA-TV reported that a parent who was in line to pick up her child at school said she saw Barton swerving and alerted a campus officer.”

Survivor: Indiana

Survivor fan favorite Rupert Boneham had no problem scoring votes to keep him on the island, but now he may have his eye on getting enough votes to get elected. The AP reported on Tuesday that the “Survivor: All-Stars” alum is thinking about running for governor of Indiana. They report, “Boneham has formed an exploratory committee to possibly seek the Libertarian Party's nomination for governor.” On his campaign site, he penned an “open letter to Hoosiers,” writing, “While surveying the current choices for our next governor, I do not see anyone that has an understanding of what daily life is like for many Hoosiers nor anyone who appears to understand the harm that misguided government policies are doing to our communities. It is obvious that career politicians are not the answer because they are often the problem.”

Bachmann Hair?

Is it just me or have there been a lot of hair stories about the GOP presidential contenders lately?

The latest according to the New York Daily News stylists have been getting more and more requests for Bachmann hair. "A lot of clients have asked for Sarah Palin hair in the past four years, and now, it's Bachmann," says Andi Scarbrough of Byu-ti Hair Therapy in L.A. "Politicians are the new celebrities, because they're real. They didn't just spring up out of the red carpet." "She has great coppery color that warms her up a little bit," said Angelo David at his E. 43rd St. salon, who confirmed a spike in copycat requests for the candidate's look. "Not everybody wants to look like Kim Kardashian."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

President Obama's Half- Uncle Arrested

President Obama’s half uncle was arrested last week in Massachusetts for driving under the influence. Both the Boston Herald and the Globe reported:

On-yango Obama, 67, of Framingham, the half-brother of the president’s late father, was arrested Wednesday at 7:05 p.m. at the corner of Waverly and South streets, said Middlesex district attorney’s spokeswoman Cara O’Brien. When the elder Obama was asked if he wanted to make a phone call to arrange for bail, he said,“I think I will call the White House,” according to the police report.
At first, Mr. Obama claimed that he had not been drinking but then acknowledged having one beer and then two beers, according to the police report. The officer said "Obama then failed three field sobriety tests and was booked without further incident."

@El Bloombito

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is dealing with a paraody Twitter account—en Espanol—but he doesn’t seem to mind. This weekend, one person was so amused at the mayor's persistent yet poorly accented use of Spanish at press conferences that they started a Twitter feed making fun of the Mayor and @ElBloombito has been tweeting ever since. Sample tweet: " Cuidado! Stayo away para los downed linos de power. Que Electrocuto! El BUZZZ!" The account has over 13,000 followers.

Mayor Bloomberg wasn't all that offended when a reporter brought up the Spanglish parody. In fact, his official Twitter account even played along, with the line "Me escuchas, @ElBloombito?"

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