Political news, events, and gossip from inside the Beltway.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Welcome to Moneygall!!
President Obama landed in Ireland early Monday morning. Chocolate bars and other goodies were made to commemorate the President’s visit to Moneygall, Ireland, the home of his maternal great-great-great grandfather Falmouth Kearney. They’re being sold in the village along with much more Obama swag like bread, t-shirts and other souveniers. But what better way to commemeroate the President’s visit then with a little Irish ditty. The Irish band, the Corrigan Brothers, recorded "Welcome Home President Barack O'Bama" just for the occasion. The tune tells the story of the discovery of President Obama's Moneygall connection, featuring the key players in the drama, as well as the people of Moneygall dancing through the village. Henry Healy, President Obama's eighth cousin who still lives in Moneygall, takes a star turn in the video. More on the President’s Irish adventure from ObamaFoodorama.com.