Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hannah Montana Knocks Rick Santorum

I guess she's just bein' Miley...

Miley Cyrus is not happy with Urban Outfitters or Rick Santorum, for that matter. She knocked the former Senator on Twitter last week, pointing out that Urban’s president had contributed to Santorum.

"Not only do they steal from artists but every time you give them money you help finance a campaign against gay equality."

#SHADYASHELL "IF WE ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE NEXT THING U KNOW PEOPLE WILL BE MARRYING GOLD FISH" - Rick Santorum UO contributed $13,000 to this mans campaign."

Click points out, "It may not be the best news for Santorum, who is expected to launch his campaign next week, because Cyrus has more than a million Twitter followers. Fortunately for him, however, most are probably too young to vote."

Gen. Martin Dempsey, A Brief Discography

President Obama nominated General Martin Dempsey to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Monday. The announcement came to the White House with plenty of praise, but abosolutely no mention of the General's singing skills. That's right! General Dempsey has something of a YouTube discography and shows that he can really carry a tune.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Wonder Years

There are many qualities a voter weighs about a presidential candidate before deciding whether or not to vote for them, but what about the (always embarrassing) high school photo? The Atlantic has yearbook photos for the entire field of 2012 GOP presidential candidates. Chris Good writes, “One of these former teens will probably win the GOP's White House nomination in 2012. Since the press will inevitably rifle through their histories with astonishing thirst and thoroughness, we may as well take this early campaign moment to glimpse them at their most innocent, ungainly, ambitious, preppy, or long-haired, before the serious digging begins.”


See if you guessed right at the Atlantic!
From the Yearbook to the White House: The 2012 Republicans in High School - The Atlantic

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jon Huntsman, Loving REO Speedwagen Now and Forever

Former Utah Governor and possible 2012 Republican presidential candidate John Huntsman was in San Francisco on Tuesday. The San Francisco Chronicle's Carla Marinucci caught up with the former Ambassador to China while he was in town and asked him about his time as a mullet-sporting, high school dropout from a little REO Speedwagon cover band called Wizard (this is all true). So aside from a serious interview that appears in today's chronicle, Marinucci pressed Huntsman on his rock-n-roll cred.

Did the First Lady Snub the Poles?

First it was the report that President Obama’s code name while in the UK was ‘smart alec.’ (Which, by the way, it was not). The latest scandal report come from Poland and the First Lady’s apparent dislike of Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski. Michelle Obama is cutting her time in Europe short to return early from the trip. The ‘official’ story is that she’s leaving to be with daughters Sasha and Malia. But the Polish press thinks the First Lady is snubbing Poland because she hates the country’s President. The original story from a conservative Polish newspaper is that President Komorowski made a joke about the First Lady's "fidelity" during his Washington visit.

We'll let Nasz Dziennik and some very loose translation explain the original incident:
But the real reason for absenteeism Michelle Obama is different and has to be a diplomatic response to the blunders and nietakty errors committed by the president to Bronislaw Komorowski, during his visit to the USA. And especially for being one of the statements undermined the marital fidelity of his wife of U.S. president. Komorowski wanted a joke, but instead provoked international outrage. It is no wonder, then, now that Mrs. Obama does not want to meet with the Polish president.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Duchess Meets the FLOTUS

The two fashion power houses met on Tuesday and of course the question on everyone's mind...what did they wear?!

Kate Middleton wore a flattering taupe Reiss dress. And while any designer would love to have a royal endorsement (especially from the new, young Duchess), Middleton's wardrobe choice crashed the Reiss website. A Reiss spokesperson said that traffic to the site increased by over 300 percent when news broke that the duchess had worn their taupe Shola dress to the meeting with the POTUS and the FLOTUS. The dress retails for $340 and quickly sold out. The designer tweeted about their technical difficulties on Tuesday, writing, “Due to unprecedented demand, Shola mania has crashed our website! We are endeavouring to bring the Reiss brand back to you ASAP!”

In other fashion news, Michelle Obama wore an ivory floor-length Tom Ford gown to the state banquet at Buckingham Palace Tuesday. The BBC was live-blogging the details entire event, including Ms. Obama’s accessories. The gown, which showed “off her figure” was paired with elbow length gloves and a large bow at the waist. The POTUS wore white tie and tails.

Chuck Norris Can Do Many Things...Except Make Mike Huckabee President

Chuck Norris is bummed that Mike Huckabee isn’t running for president this time around. If you remember, Mike Huckabee was Chuck Norris approved in the 2008 presidential election and even brought out the endorsement in an ad for his camapaign. But now that Huckabee isn’t running, Walker Texas Ranger doesn’t think there’s any other GOP candidate who can do what Mike Huckabee can do. He writes, “I deeply respect his decision, but I was extremely disappointed when Mike Huckabee announced that he will not be making a presidential run in this election. When I was on the campaign trail with Mike, he was connecting with not only the Republican base but also many liberal-leaning people.” He went on to say, “I pray one of the Republican candidates can prove to us that he possesses the leadership to rally us all behind the fundamentals and lead us on to victory in the 2012 presidential election.”

Palin Aide Thinks Bristol is a Liability

For someone who’s supposed to be a ghostwriter, there’s isn’t much mystery about what Sarah Palin’s aide, Rebecca Mansour, thinks about Bristol Palin. According to private emails discovered by the Daily Caller Mansour compares Bristol to other well-known relatives who have made life difficult for their famous political families. "Two words: Patti Davis. Okay three more: Ron Reagan Junior," Mansour said in a series of Twitter direct messages obtained by the Caller. "Two more: Billy Carter. Doesn't your family have one?"Mansour said Palin's eldest daughter won't derail Palin's future political ambitions though. "She will hold her at arm's length," Mansour wrote. "Even [Margaret] Thatcher was never able to disown her screw up son Mark. It's a Mom thing"

Mansour asked the Daily Caller not to publish the tweets. (Actually she first denied the messages and later acknowleded they were indeed hers--asking that they at least refrain from publishing the messages about Bristol).But did someone pay for the Rebecca Mansour story? FishBowlNY has more.

The Curse of the 5th

Oregon’s 5th District isn’t exactly known for having Representatives with happy marriages—in fact rumor has it that the district is cursed! OregonLive noticed that “every person who has represented Oregon's 5th Congressional District has divorced while in office. Democratic Congressman Kurt Schrader is the latest. He and his wife, former state Sen. Martha Schrader, filed for divorce last week. His predecessor, Darlene Hooley, was divorced not long after she took office. The guy before her, Rep. Jim Bunn, divorced as well. And even the first two occupants of 5th District seat, which was created in 1981, also divorced while still in office.

Could the 5th District be cursed?!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vladamir Putin: Nature Lover

Not exactly one known to play nice with the press, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin surprised Mediaite (and me as well) when he responded to an interview request from an Outdoor Life columnist.
Texan Outdoor Life columnist Gayne Young, who devoted much of his editorial space to the wonders of Putin’s manly escapades in Siberia, sent a humble interview request to the Russian premier, hoping for nothing. He got an appreciative 8,000 word rumination on nature and the meaning of life.

It’s unclear exactly when Putin got the time to respond to all these questions, though if it really was him, he seemed to get plenty of enjoyment out of it. Asked about why he loved nature so much and how he learned to appreciate it, he gushed about authors Jules Verne and Ernest Hemingway– “the characters depicted in their books… definitely shaped my inner self,” he confessed. Much of the interview describes in detail Russian attempts to conserve endangered animals, particularly tigers, though its most interesting bits are when Putin decides to stray into metaphysical territories. He laments what he considers a “shy, resentful” attitude towards Christianity in America, argues that the human being “is one of the most vulnerable creatures on earth” by design, and, asked about the Cold War, observes: “the vast majority of barriers between our peoples were unnatural and artificially forced upon them.”

Bush Dodges Foul Ball

A.J. Pierzynski made the valiant effort, but ultimately failed to save former President Bush from a baseball headed his way. ESPN’s writing, “The Chicago White Sox veteran catcher was unable to grab a foul ball in the first row Monday night that nearly hit former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura. The ball was just behind the screen, but Pierzynski was able to reach around it and in front of President Bush, who was going to make his own play on the ball at first but flinched at the last second. The ball hit the ledge in front of the first row, though, and bounced into the seats. "I just told him just because he was the President doesn’t mean I won’t jump on top of him," Pierzynski said. "Him and his wife got a good chuckle out of that one."

Watch the video of the play here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sarah Palin's Arizona?!

Could the Palin’s be Arizona-bound? The Arizona Republic’s writing, “For months, rumors have circulated in Arizona political circles that the former Alaska governor and possible 2012 presidential contender either was shopping for homes in Scottsdale or had already bought one. A just-closed deal on a secluded luxury home in far north Scottsdale might fit the bill, and talk has begun that this may be the one. It's an 8,000-square-foot, dark-brown stucco home with a guard gate that can keep unwanted visitors away. It has six bedrooms, five bathrooms, a six-car garage, a swimming pool and spa, and a full basement with a home theater, billiards room and wine cellar."

Pretty sweet digs for a vacation home...

Gary Johnson Says 'No Hard Feelings' to Willie Nelson

There’s no hard feelings over Wille Nelson’s revoked endorsement. The music legend’s Tea Pot Party had officially endorsed Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson on Tuesday, but that support went (if you’ll excuse the pun) up in smoke. The very next day, Nelson pulled away from Johnson and slapped his seal of approval on Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Nelson’s comments don’t seem to have angered Johnson. He told The Raw Story on Friday that he thinks “the world of Willie Nelson” and that he’s “not negatively pulsed by this at all." There seem to be no hard feelings on the Tea Pot Party side either. Johnson’s tan headshot is still posted on the website under “endorsements.”

Welcome to Moneygall!!

President Obama landed in Ireland early Monday morning. Chocolate bars and other goodies were made to commemorate the President’s visit to Moneygall, Ireland, the home of his maternal great-great-great grandfather Falmouth Kearney. They’re being sold in the village along with much more Obama swag like bread, t-shirts and other souveniers. But what better way to commemeroate the President’s visit then with a little Irish ditty. The Irish band, the Corrigan Brothers, recorded "Welcome Home President Barack O'Bama" just for the occasion. The tune tells the story of the discovery of President Obama's Moneygall connection, featuring the key players in the drama, as well as the people of Moneygall dancing through the village. Henry Healy, President Obama's eighth cousin who still lives in Moneygall, takes a star turn in the video. More on the President’s Irish adventure from ObamaFoodorama.com.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Pledge...

I know. I know. I've been absolutely HORRIBLE with posting the past month(s). So today, I, Pamela Kirkland, pledge to upload and post more stuff here (or find an intrepid intern to help me). But seriously, check back here next week to see what we're working on and what I'm up to at POTUS!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Trump and Audrina Patridge

As if there weren’t enough places on TV to see Donald Trump, you can see him somewhere other than the Apprentice boardroom this Sunday. The potential presidential candidate makes a cameo appearance in Audrina Patridge’s reality show on Sunday. Who is Audrina Patridge you ask? Well just leave the answer as someone VH1 deemed worthy of her own show. In the show, “Audrina and her mother, Lynn visit Trump to try to land Audrina a spot on Celebrity Apprentice or a Miss Universe hosting gig...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FLOTUS Can Dougie

First Lady Michelle Obama was doing the dougie with student of DC’s Alice Deal Middle School on Tuesday—taking part in the Let’s Move Flash Workout. (clip). When she arrived for the surprise visit the students were already out on the field, prepping to perform a Beyoncé workout video The first lady also told the children that she was "trying not to embarrass myself" dancing, but she ended up busting a move or two nonetheless. Clearly the first lady had a tutorial session or two before Tuesday’s event, because she knew all the choreography. Meanwhile, Beyonce leading the kids of PS 161 in Harlem in their dance.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

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