Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Obama Meets Zuckerberg

President Obama is meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg today while in San Francisco. Gawker reminded me this morning that the President has sort of a complicated relationship with THE Facebook. "On the one hand, college students clicking "like" got him elected in 2008...On the other hand, both he and Michelle have bashed Facebook as a dangerous digital Pied Piper that is Bad For Kids."

Just last week Michelle Obama said about her daughters, "I'm not a big fan of young kids having Facebook… So, you know, it's not something they need. It's not necessary right now." And Barack told a kid during a Q&A that he better watch what he says on Facebook or else he might never be president: "I want everybody here to be careful about what you post on Facebook, because in the YouTube age whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life."

Alfalfa For All!!

The elite, off the recors Alfalfa Club dinner is apparently now available on YouTube--thanks to Senator Lamar Alexander. The Reliable Source writes, "For any journalist who'd spent a night haunting the lobbies of hotels where Beltway power players (including, often, the president) holed up for off-the-record yuks, trying to buttonhole guests for details, to see the gathering unfold on video is like learning that the Illuminati has a regular happy hour at T.G.I. Friday's.

But now, Sen. Lamar Alexander has brought a new climate of transparency to the 98-year-old gathering by posting his own musical routine from the Jan. 29 dinner online. Why? No official explanation, but probably because, as sources tell us, he killed that night."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rahm Says STFU @MayorEmanuel

Candidate for Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, has pledged to donate at least $2,500 to charity if the writer behind the MayorEmanuel parody Twitter account reveals him or herself. During an interview on Tuesday, Emanuel said, “After the election, if that guy — or gal — comes forward I'll donate $2500 to the charity of his choice.” As of Tuesday, the Twitter account had 24,803 followers. In comparison, the actual Rahm Emanuel account has 7,221 followers. Asked whether he likes the fake twitter account, Emanuel digressed, noting the account's "huge following." The Mayor Emanuel account mocked Rahm’s charity offer yesterday afternoon.

Can't Touch This...

...Break It Down!!!

Dancing with the Stars is still trying to recruit the Reverend Al Sharpton, yet again. Sharpton said he’s been asked on several occasions to join the reality show but recently told TMZ: “I just turned them down again.” The Reverand claims he just doesn't have the time due to his commitments with the National Action Network -- but wants to make one thing clear ...can’t touch this!


Monday, February 14, 2011

The Most Important People at (and missing from) CPAC

CPAC came and went through Washington with little fanfare this year, but perhaps the biggest disappointment for me was the news that Stephen Baldwin — the conference’s little slice of Hollywood--was a no show this year. Yeas and Nays says, “The actor was slated to appear on a panel to discuss “Engaging America Through Conservative Pop Culture” Friday afternoon, but wasn’t there. His business partner and radio co-host, Kevin McCollough, explained he was simply too busy with other projects to jet to Washington for this year’s CPAC. “When Mark Burnett of ‘Survivor’ calls and says, ‘I’d like to take a meeting,’ you take a meeting.” Tell that to the kids who were looking forward to XPAC this year Stephen.

But while Baldwin may have skipped the conference this year—Jimmy McMillan made an appearance for the very first time. Holding court of sorts and with a black shoe on his left hand he yammered at rapid-fire speed as cameras and reporters trailed after him . He led dozens people in a chant of "the rent is too damn high" in the hotel lobby. One student chased him, running up the stairs to get his photo. He finally relented and posed next to her and her college republicans placard.

And one last story to add to your CPAC redux—Dale Peterson, you remember the guy who ran for Alabama Ag. Commissioner--was spotted over the weekend at the conference. He launched a write-in candidacy for the CPAC presidential straw poll Friday, but it was unclear whether the straw-poll candidacy meant Peterson will actually run for president. Peterson said he wants to infuse the election with “straight talk” lacking from professional politicians who are “too slick, too fakey, or either they waltz around the issues.”

Obama and O'Reilly SNL Open

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mitch Daniels, McMillian Approved

Much has been made of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels being a potential contender in the 2012 presidential election. This week, the Governor is on his way to Washington to speak at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) Conference on Friday—which has not done much to quell those 2012 rumors. But Governor Daniels would prefer to keep his name out of the mouths of political pundits.

“It’s noting I’ve ever thought about. I’ve agreed to think about it and that’s about all that I have done. I haven’t lifted a finger--don’t want anyone else to unless I come to that decision,” he said in an interview with Tim Farley on Sirius XM’s POTUS.

But on to more important issues. A group of college students are trying to persuade Daniels to finally throw hit hat in the ring and they’ve enlisted the help of certified karate expert and bonafide mutton chop enthusiast Jimmy McMillan for help. “The Rent is Too Damn High” candidate appears in an ad created by Yale University’s Students for Daniels draft movement. While the Governor still would like for everyone to “leave me out of it” he thought the students interest in politics is “a healthy thing.”

“Nobody has a bigger stake in a big change in national direction than they do. Temporarily, maybe, I’m the focus of what they’re doing, but it’s an issue that matters. Credit to them for understanding it and trying to alert their fellow young people to it.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Really Congressman Lee? Really?!

via Gawker:

Three hours after his shirtless Craigslist antics appeared on this site, Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) announced his resignation from the U.S. House of Representatives. Moments ago his office sent the following press release to the media:

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, February 9, 2010

Statement from Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26):

"It has been a tremendous honor to serve the people of Western New York. I regret the harm that my actions have caused my family, my staff and my constituents. I deeply and sincerely apologize to them all. I have made profound mistakes and I promise to work as hard as I can to seek their forgiveness.

"The challenges we face in Western New York and across the country are too serious for me to allow this distraction to continue, and so I am announcing that I have resigned my seat in Congress effective immediately."

He must have been part of the P90X Caucus (too soon for the jokes?!)

No Facebook For Sasha or Malia

First Lady Michelle Obama spoke with the Today Show's Matt Lauer about raising two daughters in the White House. Mrs. O says she believes that she and her husband have done there best to keep the girls lives "normal," but one thing they won't be using (which I'm sure all of their friends are) is Facebook.

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Well This is Embarassing

President Obama’s Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett mistook a four-star general for a waiter last week and she actually ordered a glass of wine from him. Jarrett was seated at the head table for the annual Alfalfa Club dinner along with several other big-name politicians and a handful of high-ranking military officials. As Army General Peter Chiarelli walked past Jarrett, she signaled for his attention and said, “I’d like another glass of wine.” The general told CNN no hard feelings, it coulda happened to anyone: "She was sitting, I was standing and walking behind her and all she saw were the two stripes on my pants which were almost identical to the waiter's pants." Oh, and he did bring her that glass of wine.

Uncle Luke for Mayor

Former 2 Live Crew member Luther Campbell, aka Uncle Luke, is running for Mayor. He officially announced his candidacy for Mayor of Miami-Dade, Florida earlier this month. Last month, he admitted he was "seriously" considering running for office - and now he's stepping up as an official candidate—saying he will focus on job creation, affordable housing and taxation.

And his stimulus plan for the city includes some new taxes--stripper taxes.

He said, "I'd take that cash and put it into a fund where it supports youth athletics for girls, like cheerleading or softball. Or it can go to help pay for existing little girls programs that are struggling to get government assistance."

No word on whether he’ll get an endorsement from Justice Elena Kagan, after all Campbell threw his support behind her when she was nominated to the high court last year.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

White House Honey Ale

First it was the White House beehive and now we have a White House brewery?!

Guests invited to watch the Super Bowl at the White House on Sunday were not only treated to beer from Wisconsin (Hinterland Brewery) and Pennsylvania (Yuengling), but also honey ale courtesy of the White House beehive. According to ABC's Political Punch, "The First Lady’s office confirms that the White House chefs made one batch of beer using about a pound of honey from the First Lady’s honey hive, on the South Lawn of the White House. The chefs used the traditional methods to brew the beer, and the First Lady’s office confirms that the Obamas paid for the equipment." Apparently one of the chefs is “a home-brewing enthusiast."

Hugh Jackman Interviews Gov. Daniels

Sunday’s Super Bowl was definitely a star-studded affair, but it wasn’t without political heavyweights in the crowd. Aussie actor Hugh Jackman caught up with Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels at the game, asking him about the Colts chances of making the Super Bowl next year. After his impromptu interview, Governor Daniels thought he’d have a little fun with the X-men star and boxer Sugar Ray Leonard—offering them a sample of a super spicy shrimp cocktail. The shrimp was so spicy, it made Leonard cry. Watch the video:

X-Men star Hugh Jackman takes WISH anchor's microphone:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day From Mayor Bloomberg

Well I guess this is definitely one way to get the groundhog to see his shadow.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had some choice words for the city's beloved groundhog, Staten Island Chuck. According to the New York Daily News Chuck took a bite out of Bloomberg two years ago and the mayor wasn't looking to repeat history. The paper captured video of Bloomberg cursing the creature while explaining how relieved he was to not have to stick his hand in a dark hole to coax Chuck out.

"I love the plunger," Bloomberg said. "That was so much better than having to reach in and let the little sonofabitch bite you."

Chuck did not attack the Mayor at Wednesday morning's event and Bloomberg even claimed the groundhog did not see its shadow (early Spring!)

The Mayor told the paper Thursday morning that he didn't remember using any salty language - but then joked he would have been justified in doing so.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bush 43 Headed to the Super Bowl

May I just say that I called this story, last week...

White it’s official that President Obama won’t be heading down to Dallas for this Sunday’s Super Bowl, President George W Bush is rumored to be attending and, according to The Dallas Morning News. The paper also reports that President Clinton had considered making his way south for the big game, too. The paper reported that in early January, Clinton ran into Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Jones invited the former president to the game. It took Clinton a little time to consider the offer, but he finally declined last week. The Bush family has already participated in some Super Bowl-themed philanthropy at a bowling party thrown by daughter Barbara. At Super Bowl-a-Thon President Bush and wife Laura shook hands and posed for pictures.

Obama Promoting KFC?

And it appears that a President Obama look-alike has been pushing fish fillet sandwiches in a new KFC ad in China. A KFC ad campaign in that country features an Obama wannabe touting its new Soft Roll Fish Fillet sandwich and uses Obama's "Change" campaign slogan as its theme. A humongous fish fillet sandwich then drops on top of him as the commercial's announcer describes its ingredients. The ad was unveiled before President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States earlier this month but a spokesman for the company says “it is no longer airing and will not be re-aired.”

Sen. Shumer Got Dissed...By Snooki

When I heard Snooki was going to be in Washington, DC this week, it didn’t cross my mind that politicians would have any idea she was just down the street from the Capitol. The Jersey Shore star was in town on for the Washington Auto Show and, upon arriving at Reagan National Airport, she happened to cross paths with Senator Chuck Schumer on Monday. Paparazzi, spotting them in the same vicinity, tried to get the two together. Judging from the video Senator Schumer seemed intrigued and lingered around to say hello. Snooki, meanwhile, wasn't that interested, choosing to pose for photos and sign autographs instead, despite the pleas from photographers. Once Schumer had moved on, someone explained to Snooks that he’d been there. She simply replied, "Oh really?"

And there’s be this strange Twitter exchange going on between Snooki and Senator McCain for months, but a spokesperson for the senator said they wouldn’t meet while she was is in town. Having said Snooki was too pretty to go to jail in the past, Senator McCain was probably the most qualified person in the city to judge the Snooki look-alike contest last evening.

How either of these Senators were even aware of her time in Washington will remain a mystery to me.

Snookie Ignores Her Senator Charles Schumer from PAPSFIRST on Vimeo. porn movies sex videos hd porno video