Sarah Palin announced yesterday that she would endorse GOP candidate Carly Fiorina in the California Senate race, but she’s ruffled some feathers with the announcement and as a result, it looks like Palin's getting the Scott Brown treatment on Facebook. Politico’s blogging, “Sarah Palin's endorsement of Carly Fiorina has prompted a fervent blowback on her Facebook page, long Palin's safe haven for delivering her message. The revolt is coming from Palin supporters who also back Chuck DeVore – a tea party favorite who is campaigning against Fiorina in the Republican primary. Palin’s Facebook page is littered with comments opposing her endorsement of Fiorina....The impassioned revolt from some of her most faithful supporters prompted Palin to update her post to “add a few things about my Carly endorsement because some reaction right out of the chute calls for more information.'"
"So you are like all the rest. I am disappointed Again. Thanks Sara!!!!"
"Gov. Palin - please don't go rogue with my state's future - I respectfully disagree with your endorsement and ask that you recind it."
"This seems to be just another "regular politician" type move."
“I don't agree with this endorsement AT ALL! What are you thinking Sarah?”