But LL is NOT happy with Fox News and the Gov."Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW," he tweeted. That's pretty lame. Fox was billing the 'celebrity guest' portion as either being LIVE or recently recorded--not old stock footage.
In the promo segment, LL says, "My family is very pro-American. My grandfather used to sit me in his lap, and we would watch all of the old World War II shows that used to come on, back in the day. I'm totally on it, totally into it, and I love it. My grandfather, even after we said grace, he would say, 'Chow!'" Don't mess with LL...Mama Said Knock You Out Roger Ailes!
This show is not to be missed. I will have all the updates and post-mortem on The Readout and LIVE on POTUS.
Or maybe it will sound something like this...