Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Don't Call It a Comeback....
Sarah Palin Meets LL Cool J (Seriously...)
But LL is NOT happy with Fox News and the Gov."Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW," he tweeted. That's pretty lame. Fox was billing the 'celebrity guest' portion as either being LIVE or recently recorded--not old stock footage.
In the promo segment, LL says, "My family is very pro-American. My grandfather used to sit me in his lap, and we would watch all of the old World War II shows that used to come on, back in the day. I'm totally on it, totally into it, and I love it. My grandfather, even after we said grace, he would say, 'Chow!'" Don't mess with LL...Mama Said Knock You Out Roger Ailes!
This show is not to be missed. I will have all the updates and post-mortem on The Readout and LIVE on POTUS.
Or maybe it will sound something like this...
Gen. David Petraeus: You Can Call Him "Peaches"
Sarkozy's Fast Food Fondness

Our European counterparts seem more accustomed to enjoying and savoring their food, but French President Nicholas Sarkozy enjoys a good burger as much as any (as Sarah Palin would put it) true blue American. On Tuesday, prior to stopping by the White House, President Sarkozy and his supermodel wife, Carla Bruni, stopped by DC’s very own Ben’s Chili Bowl for some half smokes and chili burgers. They were scheduled to have a private dinner at the White House with President Obama, but that didn’t stop the French couple from indulging in a quick, chili-covered lunch.
When Sarkozy came to the US in 2007 to discuss the Iraq war, President Bush buried the hatchet with some grilling at the Bush family estate. And the menu, for Kennebunkport, Maine lunch did not include “freedom fries.” "We're going to give him a hamburger or a hot dog, his choice,"President Bush said.
"Do you think he's bringing cheese?" Mr. Bush was asked.
"I think he's bringing goodwill," the President replied.
Perhaps burgers and dogs are simply a good way to express diplomacy? Maybe he was just trying to be polite. Or perhaps much like Former Preisdent Clinton, President Sarkozy’s got a weak spot for les pommes frites et le hamburger. The UK’s Times of London claims Sarkozy also has a penchant for chocolate.
And while his wife tried to impose her diet on the President to no avail, Carla Bruni is not without her own vices. “Carla is une bonne vivante. She loves beer. She smokes. She likes good food. But she obviously has an irreproachable constitution,” says her trainer Julie Imperiali. Carla Bruni is credited with bringing fitness to Sarko—who works out with Imperiali five or six times a week.
UPDATE: Yeas and Nays reports the Sarkozy's asked for seconds at Ben's. I guess they really enjoyed those half smokes.
Michael Steele Makes It Rain
*Warning: For those of you who aren't aware, this song is about strippers...
Monday, March 29, 2010
C-Span Callers Gone Wild
Levi Johnston's Alaska

via Radar Online:
Levi Johnston is shopping his new TV show in an RV, has learned exclusively.
The man/child who nearly made it to the White House as the unwed Baby Daddy of the Vice President’s daughter is bringing his unique style to Hollywood, trying to sell his TV show by pulling up to meetings with cable networks in an RV/Party bus.
Stunt or just keeping it real, you decide.
But either way Levi has meetings scheduled for Monday and is pitching an Alaska-based reality show. A source close to the situation tells the show is currently titled Levin Johnston’s Last Frontier and will show him riding on pimped out snow machines with jet fuel in them.”
Jet fuel? That sounds like something Sarah Palin might want to sneak into the gas tank considering Levi’s confrontational approach to the former Alaska governor plus the fact that he’s behind on child support to Sarah’s daughter Bristol.
But if Levi sells this show he could pay his child support bills and more. The show will also feature Levi hunting, hanging with his pals and is described by one source as “sort of an Entourage on ice.”
Sarah has sold her own reality show and Levi told this weekend that his show will be far better.
His pitch to cable networks will include positioning Levi as “one of the world’s most famous teenagers” and will show parts of his life including “business opportunities, strange offers, appearances and…lots and lots of women.”
The best part of this story? The fact that Johnston's shopping around his show in an RV/party on Levi, party on...
Obama's Basketball Challenge

We're going to see the President hoop it up with the CBS Early Show later this week. The Prez is taking on Early Show host Harry Smith and CBS hoops analyst Clark Kellog on the White House blacktop:
This Thursday, CBS "Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith will go one-on-one with Pres. Barack Obama in a court-side interview. Then, Smith and his CBS Sports colleague NCAA basketball analyst Clark Kellogg will shoot hoops with Obama on the White House basketball court.
Smith's interview and clips from the game will air on The Early Show Friday. Kellogg's interview with the President, and the game, will air Saturday afternoon and evening during CBS's coverage of the Final Four.
CBS' is the second network news interview Pres. Obama will do this week. He's talking to NBC's Matt Lauer for an interview that will air Tuesday morning on "Today."
Perhaps Sen. Scott Brown can be the President's number two on the court. I doubt that though--Sen. Brown voted against the President's health care legislation.
Today's Readout
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
More Fun with the VP's F-Bomb
Life After People (and the White House)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Michelle Obama on the Simpsons
Rahm meets Samberg
Buzz Lightyear, Dancing with the Stars
Pete on the Street
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today's Readout
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Your Daily Dose of Fine Literary News
The race for the top spot on Amazon’s best-selling non-fiction book list just got dirty. Authors of the book, Rework , were thrilled, but not satisfied, that their book is currently in the #4 spot on the list. So, in brainstorming ways to publicize their irreverent career guide, they turned to the author of the book above them on the list and asked themselves, “What would Karl Rove do?” Create an attack ad against the book of course. Can you still call it swiftboating if you’re talking about a book?
Irony: Hunter, Edwards Contemplate the Void

Via Gawker:
John Edwards and Rielle Hunter on line, appropriately enough, for Contemplating the Void at the Guggenheim at around 1pm today. They looked sporty and well-matched. Nobody seemed to be noticing them.
This sighting backs up the spine-shivering Enquirer report that Edwards proposed to Hunter. But FYI, the whole "nobody noticing them" thing was the new Tino Sehgal performance art piece. It's called What We Wish Would Happen Regarding John Edwards and Rielle Hunter In Real Life.
Tea Party Madness
Health care debate brings out the best in America … or not
Demonstrators on both sides of the health care debate gathered Tuesday outside the district office of U.S. Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, a Democrat from Ohio. The video below was shot by the Columbus Dispatch. Kilroy initially voted in favor of the bill, but has not yet taken a position regarding the Senate version.
Pay particular attention to the part beginning at .53 minutes. The sign held by the older man on the ground reads “Got Parkinson’s? I do and you might. Thanks for your help.”
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Today's Readout
Carl the Barber
March Madness at the White House
For the first time, Obama filled out a women’s bracket. His women’s Final Four: Connecticut, Notre Dame, Stanford and Tennessee.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Rielle has Regrets
UPDATE: It seems as if GQ has now taken down the video of the photoshoot.

"Too Big to Fail" The Movie
This casting selection is my far...
Rep. Barney Frank as portrayed by Mike Myers
Heidi Montag is Concerned About your Credit Card Rates
There's a special thanks to Congressional Oversight Panel Chair, Elizabeth Warren, who inspired Howard to start with the videos.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Today's Readout

Rod Blagojevich: Celebrity Apprentice
They probably should have had him wear a hair net instead of that little diner hat. I can't stand finding hair in my food.
Kaus For Senate
From the Campaign that Brought You "Demon Sheep"
Senate candidate Carly Fiorina has finally released a follow up to her strange, but viral Demon Sheep web video. Ben Smith over at Politico's blogging, “Undaunted — actually, it seems, encouraged — by the mockery and attention that greeted their strange attack on Tom Campbell as an evil sheep, Carly Fiorina's Senate campaign is releasing an 8-minute Hindenburg of an attack on Barbara Boxer, whom the Republican nominee will face in November.” The ad shows Senator Boxer morphing into a blimp, destroying the Capitol dome, and looming over the Los Angeles skyline. Not quite as entertaining as the original Demon Sheep ad, but still funny.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Your New President
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Readout Blind Item

You Down with OTP?
And it’s more than just a song, they have a website. They write, “Our goal is OTP bumper stickers on cars across the country. If you see one, tap on your horn, wave or give them a thumbs up! Help make this the symbol of discontent in the United States.”
I had to post this video because it's just so fantastically awful! Please watch the whole thing:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I Am Spartacus
For those of you unfamiliar with the reference (like me)
Dancing with the Stars (and Galaxies)

"Living on Air Force retirement and Social Security, I'm forced to go out and sing for my supper quite a bit," Aldrin admits in explaining his "Dancing" decision to Zap2it. "Most of the astronauts are in the business of marketing memorabilia and autographs. It's not like a football player being paid millions and millions, and it's a shame that somebody who has gone to the moon has to do that."I may end up watching this season for just this reason.
Desiree Speaks

The full article's hereRogers said she didn't know anything about the gate-crashers -- who she said left before dinner -- until the next day.
"It was brought to my attention the next morning when the Secret Service came to my office to apologize, and I said, 'What are you guys talking about?'" she said. "They knew immediately who the woman (Michaele Salahi) was."
Because Oil's Always Political

via Business Insider:
Cash Money Records co-founders, Birdman and Ronald "Slim" Williams are trying their hands in another business venture outside the music world. They're now expanding their portfolios into the oil business.
The New Orleans-bred brothers have launched an independent oil and gas company called Bronald Oil & Gas.
Via the company's mission station on their website,, they say their initial focus is the "exploration, production and development of oil and gas reserves from conventional and unconventional formations."
Bronald, a combination of the brother's first names, say they have begun the process of acquiring leases "covering areas with historical production and the opportunity for re-entry drilling as well as new drilling opportunities."
Readout Blind Item

Blind Gossip – Which members of Congress make regular, secret visits to Cuba as guests of Fidel Castro, flying in from nearby islands? Their passports aren’t stamped, so no one’s the wiser...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Today on the Press Pool...

The January cover of Golf Digest featuring a picture of President Obama and Tiger Woods with the caption "10 Things Tiger Could Teach Obama" was lousy timing to say the least. But according to Mediaite, now the magazine thinks it’s on to something--suggesting that the president called Tiger during the blizzard of bad press to offer words of encouragement? They write, “According to the April edition of GD, both Barack Obama and former president Bill Clinton called Tiger to offer reassurance and guidance. Is it true? The POTUS camp says no, according to ABC’s Jake Tapper via Twitter, although the wording in the article is vague enough to imply that the President’s camp made the phone call, but did not speak to Tiger directly. The Golf Digest passage read, “President Obama also made a personal call to offer encouragement. So did Bill Clinton, whose experience might be particularly instructive.”
The Real World: House of Representatives

Coffee Anyone?
If you haven’t heard, there’s a movement growing online meant to be the answer to the Tea Party Movement. Welcome to the Coffee Party—yes, I’m being serious. So how did this coffee party begin? Facebook of course. Annabel Park boiled down her frustrations with the government and tea party activism into a status update, which turned into a fan page with upwards of 38,000 Facebook fans (as of 12:15pm 3/1). The Washington Post says, “The ideas aren't exactly fresh -- Tea Party chapters view themselves as civil, inclusive and fueled by collective will -- but the Coffee Party is percolating in at least 30 states.” The Atlantic says the group is touting a pro-federal government, anti-obstructionist platform and “The Coffee Party doesn't just think Tea Partiers are unhelpful. The party thinks they're a threat to the democratic process.” Let the beverage war begin.